This isn’t just a course

It’s a homecoming journey for the woman who’s ready to settle into her divine feminine power by accepting her whole self, nourishing all of the parts of herself that maybe have been forgotten or neglected for too long, and claiming MORE

Is this you?

  • You feel trapped by self-doubt, knocked down by your inner mean girl, and lack the confidence and self-trust to take action on your dreams and show up powerfully in your life

  • You find yourself stuck in cycles of self-sabotage, you feel an underlying feeling of insecurity and a lack of confidence that keeps you playing smaller than your full potential

  • You find yourself constantly operating from the masculine and the mind and it feels foreign, or unsafe, to be in your body and your feminine energy

  • You’re getting lost in the affirmations, the books, the meditations but it just doesn’t seem to make a difference

  • * You feel dyregulated or disconnected in your body and want to learn how to regulate yourself to feel more grounded, at peace, and secure within

  • You’re not where you want to be, you keep playing small and allowing fear and shame to lead your life instead of your authentic self and your vision

  • You tend to overgive, you have difficulty setting boundaries, and you feel exhausted and drained by putting yourself last, neglecting self-care and not making yourself a priority in your life

  • You fluctuate between feeling like too much or not enough, and struggle to show your authentic self to the world in case people won’t approve

  • You feel stuck or stagnant in your life, you know you are meant for more but you’re holding yourself back from self-doubt and fear

This course is designed to help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind, release what’s no longer serving you mentally and emotionally, and raise your consciousness and energetic frequency to promote mind-body healing and personal expansion.

Hey, I'm Laurence!

Believe me, I get it. I suffered for years with health symptoms, low self worth, feeling broken in my body and deeply unfulfilled in my life, waiting for someone else to come save me, waiting for my life to magically change. Until I realized I was the only one who could do that. Everything in my life started to change. My mission is to show women, like you, that you can do this too. You can take control of your health, your life, and thrive. It’s time for you to discover your true power. It’s time to meet your favourite you.

Core Milestones

  • Nourishment

    Nourishment of the physical body, but also emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

  • Release

    Release what no longer serves you and what is creating toxicity in your life.

  • Integration

    Live it. Talking about it isn't enough. Embodiment means stepping into your next level self and next level life.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to The Intuitive Woman

    2. Download The Private Podcast

    1. What does holistic mean?

    2. What is Mind Body Soul Alignment?


    4. What are primary foods?

    5. Primary foods


    7. What are secondary foods?

    8. Secondary Foods


    10. Energize yourself


    12. Your Daily Check-In


    1. Breakfast Recipes

    2. Vegan Meal Recipes

    3. Carnivore Meal Recipes

    4. Snack Recipes

    1. Stress, safety, and the nervous system




    5. Anxiety from a holistic approach



    1. Welcome to Nervous System TLC

    2. Love Your Nervous System Tools

    3. Collect Glimmers

    4. Breathing for anxiety

    5. Body Scan Meditation

    6. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for stress & anxiety

    7. EFT for overwhelm and the resistance to slowing down

    8. Releasing Anxiety TIME TECHNIQUE

    9. Establishing safety within meditation

    10. Triggered


    2. Shoulder Taps

    3. Ground Hip Circles

    4. Seated Torso Circles

    5. The Bees Knees

    6. Side to Side

    7. Abs

    8. Rocking

    9. Leg Opener

    10. Knees Side to Side

    11. Hip Opener

    12. Forward & Back

    13. Leg Tapping

    14. Booty Side Shakes

    15. Standing Hip Circles

    16. Havening

About this course

  • $297.00
  • 146 lessons
  • 9.5 hours of video content

What you will learn

  • Break past old stories, narratives, and beliefs that keep you in a state of dis-ease and misalignment

  • Heal toxic feminine wounds of people pleasing, suppressing your truth, leaky boundaries, and playing small

  • Develop and nurture your mind body connection and support your healing, growth, and expansion on a cellular level

  • Take care of your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, allowing you to recharge from within instead of constantly seeking external sources to fill an emotional void.

  • Learn how to self-regulate so you no longer stay “stuck” in patterns and turn to unhealthy choices that don’t serve you or that sabotage your growth and happiness

  • Develop a more intuitive and trusting relationship with your self and your body and reconnect with your feminine to tap into surrender and release the need to always be in control

  • Stop operating from conditioning and past stories that are limiting and self-defeating and start living your life in a way that feels more true, authentic, and fulfilling to you

  • Acquire practical techniques to effectively alleviate stress at the root and regulate your nervous system, leading to a calmer and more resilient you.

  • Shift stuck states and false subconscious narratives that may be affecting your physical health and keeping you stuck repeating cycles you're tired AF of

So you can:

  • Start experiencing more synchronicities, flow, and ease in your day to day life by leaning into your feminine energy

  • Start MOVING as the version of you who has the body + life that you desire

  • Step beyond the limitations of the logical mind - that just keep repeating the past - and explore new possibilities

  • Feel relief from frequent anxiety/constant stress, be more present in your day to day life, and start living from a place of ease and inner peace

  • Liberate yourself from patterns that hinder your growth and happiness

  • Let go of comparisonitis and embrace your unique path, trusting in your individual journey

  • Step out of limiting past stories and embrace a life that resonates with YOUR truth

  • Let go of neediness + control and embrace surrender to step into your true, authentic self

  • Transition from constantly operating from wounded masculine hustle to leaning into your divine feminine energy for improved physical and emotional health, better work-life balance, deeper intimacy and harmony in your relationships, and a greater sense of joy and fulfillment

Core Pillars

  • The Physical Body

    When we live in a way that doesn't support our bodies, they will tell us with symptoms. This pillar looks at nourishing your body with the fuel and nutrients it needs to heal, repair, and thrive. Supporting your body for long-term health and increasing your vitality and energy so you can show up differently and enjoy more of your life, that's why you are here, to thrive.

  • The Mind

    Our thoughts influence our emotions influence our actions. Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. Science noW confirms that your thoughts have a significant effect on cells. Whatever you are experiencing mentally and emotionally will be expressed in your physical body, and in your life. This is why just focusing on the physical body isn't enough to experience true healing.

  • The Emotional Body

    Emotional trauma will repeat patterns and cycles of disease, misalignment, sabotage, and disharmony in our lives. Destructive emotions that are suppressed need to find an outlet. Many causes of dis-ease are emotional, but also unconscious. We were taught to suppress emotions, but really we just need to learn how to process them healthily.

  • The Soul/Spiritual Body

    We are spiritual beings living in human bodies. Developing a sense of meaning and purpose in life—and focusing on what's important to you—also contributes to our health & wellness. Are you living aligned to your soul's mission, your authenticity, your truths, your joy, what lights you up?

This is for you if :

  • You desire a more trusting and intuitive relationship with yourself and your body

  • You're ready to break the old patterns & stories that have run your life until now, and you're ready for a change!

  • You want to regulate and restore balance and safety within yourself to feel more grounded and at peace and to be able to stretch past your comfort zone to move towards a more fulfilling reality without sabotaging it

  • You're open to learning how to actually process your emotions and regulate yourself so you can respond more consciously, become more comfortable with yourself, and feel more confident in showing up powerfully in your life

  • You want to HEAL & consciously step into your most authentic & happy self

  • You are ready to embark on a transformative journey of healing + self-discovery and reconnect with your authentic true self.

  • You are open-minded and committed to doing the inner work, taking action, and embracing personal and spiritual growth

  • You’re into personal growth and inner healing and you’ve been thinking of working with a coach but you’re looking for the first step you can take on your own time to support yourself and consistently grow

  • You desire deeper forms of self care to strengthen your emotional capacity, build your mindset, and shift your energetic frequency to experience what it feels like to feel more grounded, connected, and regulated in your internal world

  • You want access to your own toolkit to support yourself to move through internal blocks, resistance, and triggers, no matter what life throws at you, you can trust yourself to move through it

This is not for you if:

  • You're not willing to do the inner work or commit to your healing, inner growth, or spiritual expansion

  • You're looking for a quick fix solution and not a long lasting transformation

  • You're not open to exploring yourself, your patterns, your subconscious beliefs that may be keeping you from making the progress you desire

  • You're not interested in exploring or connecting with spiritual aspects of your personal growth and healing

  • You are not ready to invest the time, energy, and resources required to create meaningful change in your life


I loved it. I thought the videos were really informative and they weren't too long which was good for being able to absorb the information without overwhelming the brain and body. The meditations and the journalling prompts and info sheets made it easier to refer to instead of having to watch the videos over again also very helpful if for example I was being triggered by something and needed to find the calming practices.


"I think my energy levels had a lot to do with passion for life, I realized that I really had none in the last years, I wasn’t doing anything for myself I was doing it for everyone else. And now that I am doing stuff for myself I have a lot more energy. I really don’t feel depressed or incapable anymore."


"I feel awake, like I have given myself the permission to finally be myself and I feel safe doing it! I feel so much trust in myself and my intuition which has boosted my self-confidence and love I feel for myself."


Loved it! The combination of presentations, visuals, audios, videos, guides, verbal lectures and written lectures were greatly appreciated. The journaling prompts really help to bring awareness to areas that needed further exploration and attention. I highly recommend. The impact will live on with you for the rest of your life as you embody the teachings and continue to do the inner work.

This course includes

  • 8 Modules of transformative trainings, guides, tools, and exercises for inner healing, personal growth, stress management, emotional regulation, feminine embodiment, and spiritual evolution (LifeTime Access)

  • + A Private Podcast with powerful recordings for mind body healing, subconscious reprogramming, and nervous system regulation to address root causes, release patterns and traumas, and reconnect back to your body, your intuition, and your truest self (topics include + Feel Safe In your Body + Heart Opening + Getting Out of The Mind & Reconnecting to the Body + Overcome Fear Of Success + Inner Child Healing + Tapping for Stress & Anxiety + Clear + Protect Your Energy and MORE!

  • + Practical daily tools to use for regulation, mindset reprogramming, and body support

  • + Subconscious reprogramming tracks to promote mind body healing, reduce anxiety, disconnect from the mind chatter, and help you connect to your body, your intuition and your most authentic self

  • + Nervous system regulation tools for you to have at your fingertips to move through emotions and activate the parasympathetic state so you can shift out of the stress state, become more resilient and confident, promote healing in the body, respond more consciously instead of reactively, be able to pursue your goals and stretch outside of your comfort zone with less resistance, and feel more at ease, grounded, and LIGHTER from the inside out


  • How long do I have access to the course?

    Lifetime access baby!

  • Are refunds accepted?

    Due to the nature of this product, refunds are not accepted and all sales are final.

  • What if I have questions / need help during the course?

    This course is entirely self-paced however, if you're someone who knows that you will need additional support, accountability, and coaching - or you discover that you do -while you go through the course, you can absolutely add on more support with me. If you are wanting additional support, please see my programs open for enrolment or schedule a discovery call to chat more about working 1:1 with me on my website.